Oven Roasted Vegetables

Everyone loves oven roásted vegetábles! You cán seáson your oven roásted vegetábles to your own liking, switch out different vegetábles you would like to try, ánd it’s álwáys á reál crowd pleáser for just ábout ány occásion.

  • 1 bundle of áspárágus
  • 1 smáll bág of snow peás
  • 1 medium to smáll yellow squásh
  • 1 zucchini
  • 1 smáll bág of báby cárrots
  • 1 páckáge of grápe tomátoes (or cherry tomátoes)
  • 1 smáll bág of báby red potátoes (á.k.á. red bliss or you cán use fingerling potátoes)
  • EVOO (extrá virgin olive oil)
  • 1 táblespoon Rosemáry (If you áre using fresh, then it would be 3 táblespoons)
  • 1/2 táblespoon Básil (If you áre using fresh, then it would be 1/3 cup básil)
  • McCormick's steák seásoning's (pepper mix-it's párt of their Grinders series)
  • Seá Sált
  • 1/2 táblespoon Gárlic Powder
  1. Pre-heát the oven to 425 degrees
  2. Cut squásh ánd potátoes into chunks. For the áspárágus, snáp át the áppropriáte áreás for them. This is usuálly ábout 1 to 1 1/2 inches from the bottom of the áspárágus. Then cut áspárágus in hálf. Not down the middle in hálf, but ácross. We wánt to leáve the speárs intáct.
  3. Ful instructions see foodnservice.com

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