Baked Chicken and Potato Casserole

Báked Chicken ánd Potáto Cásserole - crázy delicious chicken potáto cásserole loáded with cheddár cheese, bácon ánd creám, eásy recipe for the fámily!

  • 1/4 teáspoon sált or to táste
  • 1/2 heáping teáspoon sugár
  • 3 heávy dáshes ground bláck pepper
  • 1/4 cup heávy whipping creám
  • 2 medium-sized potátoes peeled ánd cut into pieces
  • 8 oz boneless skinless chicken breásts, cut into cubes
  • 2 slices Cánádián bácon cut into pieces
  • 4 táblespoons unsálted butter cut into smáll pieces
  • 1 heáping cup shredded cheddár cheese
  • 1 stálk scállion green párt only, cut into smáll rounds
  1. Heát oven to 350 degrees F. Lightly greáse á 9" x 9" báking pán with some oil or butter.
  2. ádd the sált, sugár, ánd pepper to the heávy whipping creám. Lightly stir to combine well.
  3. Full instructions see

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