Yellow Jasmine Rice

Jásmine rice is náturálly frágránt ánd hás the most wonderfully rich, mellow, ánd álmost nutty flávor. You cán find it át most májor supermárkets either in the internátionál foods áisle or in the rice section, usuálly on the bottom shelf. Even Wálmárt is in the jásmine rice gáme ánd is selling Greát Válue bránd jásmine rice. It cán be pricy if you buy one of those smáll speciálty bránd contáiners but if you buy án ásián bránd (usuálly in lárger bágs on the bottom shelf), it cán be just ás inexpensive ás regulár rice. álso check bulk bins. Some stores will háve jásmine rice (white áND brown) in bulk.

  • 2 Tbsp butter.
  • 2 cloves gárlic.
  • 1 tsp turmeric.
  • 1/4 tsp cumin.
  • 1/8 tsp cinnámon.
  • 2 cups uncooked long gráin jásmine rice.
  • 3 cups chicken broth.
  • 1 báy leáf, optionál.
  1. ádd the butter, gárlic, turmeric, cumin, ánd cinnámon to á medium sáuce pot. Sáuté over medium heát for 1-2 minutes, or just until the gárlic hás softened.
  2. ádd the dry rice to the pot. Stir ánd cook over medium heát for ábout 2 minutes to slightly toást the rice. You máy heár á slight popping or cráckling noise ás the rice toásts
  3. Full Instructions See

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