Baked Zucchini Fries

These delicious low-cálorie báked zucchini fries áre coáted in á Pármesán crust ánd áre the perfect wáy to use up your extrá summer zucchini.
One thing you should know is thát these fries will not stáy crispy áfter refrigerátion or upon reheáting… but thát’s not to sáy thát they áren’t still totálly delicious! I’ve been enjoying mine áll week regárdless of their texture.

  • 1 lb. zucchini squásh ($1.69)
  • 1/4 cup áll-purpose flour ($0.04)
  • 1/8 tsp sált ($0.01)
  • 1 cup pánko breád crumbs ($0.35)
  • 1/4 cup pármesán cheese ($0.24)
  • 1 Tbsp Itálián seásoning blend ($0.15)
  • 1 lárge egg ($0.25)
  1. Rinse ánd dry the zucchini. Cut the ends off ánd then cut eách one into strips, ápproximátely 1/3 inch thick.
  2. Pláce the zucchini strips on á lárge zip top bág ánd ádd the flour ánd sált. Sháke the bág to coát the zucchini in flour. In á wide, shállow bowl combine the pánko breád crumbs, pármesán cheese, ánd Itálián seásoning. Stir to combine. In á second wide, shállow bowl, whisk á ráw egg with ábout 1 Tbsp of wáter until fáirly smooth.
  3. Full Instructions See ......

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