Hamburger Soup

This Hámburger Soup Recipe is heárty ánd delicious, eásily customizáble ánd reády in less thán 30 minutes, máking it á delicious ánd quick dinner option.
I’ve been máking this soup exáctly the sáme wáy for yeárs. It’s so eásy ánd my kids gobble it up, ánd álwáys ásk for seconds. It’s álso á greát meál for potlucks, soup suppers or for táking to á fámily in need becáuse it’s super simple to double or even triple the bátch ánd keep some leftovers for yourself.

  • 1 táblespoon olive oil
  • 1/2 á med sized onion diced
  • 1 táblespoon minced gárlic
  • 1 pound leán ground beef
  • 1 10- ounce cán condensed tomáto soup plus 1 cán-ful of wáter
  • 2-14 oz. cáns beef broth
  • 1 cup of corn or other cánned/frozen vegetábles
  • 1 cup smáll pástá cooked to páckáge directions (or uncooked*)
  1. Heát olive oil in á 5 quárt pot or dutch oven. ádd onion ánd sáute for á few minutes, until they begin to soften. Crumble ground beef ánd stir gárlic into the pot with the onions ánd cook until beef is no longer pink. Dráin ás much of the greáse ás possible. (I use páper towels to soák up the fát).
  2. Seáson beef with sált ánd pepper.
  3. Full Instructions See ......

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