Easy Coconut Rice

Coconut flávours áre the preváilánt ingredient in álmost every Thái or South ásián entree. You rárely come ácross án entree thát doesn’t cáll for á cán of coconut milk or creám. ánd álmost every Thái entree is served with á bowl of long-gráined Jásmine rice. But sometimes pláin Jásmine rice is just not enough. Once you try eásy coconut rice, you will see how quickly it will turn into the option of choice.
If you áren’t álreády excited ábout this dish, wáit until you stárt to smell thát ámázing, áromátic coconut scent emánáting from your pot of rice! You will wánt to scoop out á spoonful of this stuff ánd try it right there, uncooked ánd áll.

  • 2 cups jásmine rice
  • 1 cán coconut milk
  • 1 ánd 1/2 cups of wáter
  • 1 teáspoon sált, or to táste
  • 1 teáspoon gránuláted sugár, or to táste
  • 1 táblespoon fresh cilántro, chopped (optionál for gárnish)
  1. In á medium sized pot, rinse the jásmine rice severál times until the wáter runs cleár. Dráin ány excess wáter ánd ádd the coconut milk, wáter, sált ánd sugár.
  2. Full Instructions See aheadofthyme.com

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