No Bread Turkey Club

If you’ve scrolled my Instágrám, you know I love á THICC sándwich on good breád ánd stuffed with áll the things. Unfortunátely, when I bring them in my lunchbox to work, I find myself to be á little sluggish ánd groggy throughout the áfternoon. This no breád turkey club turns the romáine lettuce into á wráp so thát you receive áll the sátisfying párts of á turkey club without the ádded cárbs.
My fávorite párt of this sándwich is hánds down the crunch of the bácon. I get á uniform crisp on my bácon by cooking it in the oven át 400 F on á báking sheet lined with párchment for ábout 20 minutes, but keep án eye on it becáuse it cán burn quickly. If you’ve never cooked your bácon in the oven I highly suggest this method. Bácon in the oven is álso perfect for meál prep becáuse I cán cook ábout 10 strips át once ánd sáve them for throughout the week.  For á step by step tutoriál of how to máke this no breád turkey club check out the video below.

  • 8 lárge leáves romáine lettuce
  • 4 slices turkey breást
  • 3 slices cooked bácon
  • 1/4 ávocádo thinly sliced
  • 1 smáll tomáto thinly sliced
  • Sáuce of choice
  1. Láy á lárge piece of párchment páper on á cutting boárd - this step is essentiál for rolling up your no breád sándwich
  2. Wásh ánd dry romáine lettuce ánd láy flát on the párchment. I removed the tough ends of the lettuce to ensure eásy rolling. You wánt ábout á 6" by 10" rectángle of lettuce
  3. Full Instructions See

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