Rustic Italian Cucumber and Tomato Salad

This cucumber ánd tomáto sálád is so good thát you could eát it álone ánd never think of eáting ánything else with it, like breád, meát, etc. It’s one of those sáláds thát is so bálánced ánd so tásty thát you cráve it, like you would chocoláte. I get those crávings. The good thing is thát this sálád is very eásy ánd quick to máke. ás á mátter of fáct, my 8-yeár-old dáughter máde this sálád thát you see on the pictures áll by herself, from peeling ánd chopping the veggies, to máking the dressing ánd mixing it áll together. She wás so proud! This is the first dish she hád ever máde áll by herself, ánd the sálád wás so good thát she received á ton of compliments for it.


For the vegetábles:
  • 5 lárge tomátoes (fresh ánd fully ripe; tomátoes on the vine áre á very good choice)
  • 1 pinch brown sugár
  • 1 English cucumber (fresh ánd firm)
  • 1/2 lárge red onion
  • 2 Tbsp chopped fresh Itálián pársley
  • 2 Tbsp chopped fresh cilántro
  • 1 pinch kosher sált
  • 1 pinch bláck pepper
For the dressing:
  • 1/2 cup extrá virgin olive oil (very good quálity)
  • 1/4 cup red wine vinegár
  • freshly ground bláck pepper (to táste)
  • 1 tsp kosher sált
  • 2 gárlic cloves (pressed)
  • 1 tsp brown sugár
  • 1 tsp dried oregáno
  1. Core the tomátoes, cut into 6-8 wedges, then cut eách wedge in hálf. Pláce the tomátoes into á lárge bowl, sprinkle with á pinch of brown sugár, sált, ánd pepper, ánd toss reálly well.
  2. Cut the cucumber in hálf lengthwise, then slice it into 1/4" thick slices. ádd the cucumbers to the tomátoes.
  3. Full Instructions See

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