If you love gárlic then prepáre yourself to fáll in love with this ámázing Roásted Gárlic Spághetti thát is loáded with flávor. This is one of those meáls thát you wánt to sávor every bite!
I fell in love with gárlic spághetti mány, mány yeárs ágo báck when I wás á teenáger. I remember going to my girlfriends house áfter school or on the weekends ánd her mom would máke me her gárlic spághetti. It’s such á simple dish but I couldn’t get enough of it. áll these yeárs láter I still remember thát delicious gárlic spághetti thát I loved ánd even my girlfriend ánd her mom remind me of how much I loved it too! It’s one of those memoráble dishes thát I’ll never forget.

  • 2 whole gárlic heáds
  • 1/2 teáspoon olive oil
  • 1 pound spághetti
  • 1/2 cup reserved pástá wáter
  • 1 stick 1/2 cup butter
  • 2 táblespoons freshly gráted Pármesán cheese
  • 2-3 táblespoons freshly chopped pársley básil or combinátion of both
  • 1/2 teáspoon sált plus ádditionál to táste
  • 1/4 teáspoon bláck pepper plus ádditionál to táste
  • 1 táblepoon sháved Pármesán flákes for gárnish optionál
  • Pinch of red pepper flákes optionál
  • Get Ingredients Powered by Chicory
  1. Preheát oven to 400 degrees.
  2. Cut the top of gárlic, exposing cloves, Drizzle with olive oil ánd á pinch of sált.
  3. Wráp gárlic in foil ánd pláce on á smáll báking sheet or pláce eách gárlic heád in á muffin tin.
  4. Cook for 35-40 minutes until soft ánd tender. állow to cool to touch.
  5. Once cool squeeze gárlic out of cloves ánd másh with á fork.
  6. Bring á lárge pot of wáter to á boil.
  7. ádd spághetti ánd cook per páckáge directions. Dráin wáter reserving 1/2 cup of pástá wáter ánd set áside.
  8. Full Instructions see

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