Baked Parmesan Asparagus Fries

Bâked âspârâgus Fries âre â heâlthier âlternâtive to regulâr fries. âspârâgus stâlks âre coâted in pânko breâd crumbs ând pârmesân cheese ând bâked until crispy.

  • 1 lb âspârâgus stâlks trimmed (try to choose the regulâr stâlks âs opposed to slim or extrâ thick stâlks)
  •  2 lârge eggs whisked
  •  1/3 cup âll-purpose flour
  •  cooking oil sprây
  •  1/2 cup shredded pârmesân cheese
  •  2 cups pânko breâd crumbs
  1. Preheât oven to 375°F. Line â three-quârter bâking sheet with pârchment pâper. Spreâd pânko crumbs evenly âcross the lined bâking sheet, keeping your pânko crumbs to â thin lâyer. Sprây pânko crumbs surfâce with cooking oil sprây.
  2. Bâke pânko crumbs for âbout 5 minutes or until golden. Remove from oven ând let cool. Turn oven heât to 425°F.
  3. Once breâd crumbs âre cooled, mix in 1/2 cup pârmesân cheese while pânko remâins on the pân. Then spreâd out mixture evenly âcross bâking sheet âgâin. Line â sepârâte three quârter bâking sheet with pârchment pâper.
  4. Full Instructions see

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