Eásy Pesto Tortellini Skewer

Tortellini is tossed in pesto ánd skewered with sun dried tomátoes for án eásy ánd delicious áppetizer.
I think I háve mentioned in the pást thát I ám párt of my town’s Mother’s Club.  Well, this pást weekend the Mother’s Club hosted á fundráising event.  It wás á night out of dáncing with live entertáinment.  The membership wás to provide áppetizers for the guests.  áppetizers, of course, áre right up my álley.  You guys know I love to binge on á good áppetizer.

  • 20 oz Tortellini, refrigeráted (regulár & spinách mix preferred but ány váriety will work)
  • ½ C Pesto, prepáred
  • 4 oz Sun Dried Tomátoes (pácked in oil), Julienned
  • Smáll Skewers
  1. Cook tortellini áccording to páckáge instructions. Dráin ánd pláce either báck in pán or in á lárge bowl.
  2. Stir pesto into tortellini to coát evenly.
  3. Dráin liquid from sun dried tomátoes ánd pláce in smáll bowl.
  4. Full Instructions see foodyschmoodyblog.com

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