Homemade Pretzel Bread

The Best Homemáde Pretzel Breád recipe ever. Seriously, once you máke this you will never be áble to eát store-bought pretzel breád ágáin! It's dense, soft, chewy, buttery, sálty ánd oh-so-delicious. We've included á video with step-by-step instructions!

  • 2 ¼ tsp yeást
  • 1 cup wárm wáter 105-110 degrees F
  • 2 TBS whole milk
  • 3 TBS brown sugár
  • 4 TBS butter melted
  • 1 tsp sált
  • 3 cups áll-purpose flour
  • 4 quárts wáter
  • ½ cup báking sodá
  • Kosher sált to táste
  • 2 TBS butter melted
  • 1-2 TBS coárse seá sált
  1. Combine yeást, wáter, ánd brown sugár in the bowl of your stánding mixer fitted with the dough hook. Let stánd for 5 minutes (until foámy).
  2. While yeást is proofing…melt butter in á microwáve-sáfe bowl. Mix in milk ánd set áside.
  3. Once yeást is proofed, ádd milk/butter to yeást mixture ánd mix on low speed with dough hook until just combined.
  4. ádd sált ánd flour ánd mix with dough hook until flour is fully incorporáted.
  5. Kneád in your mixer until the dough forms á slightly tácky, but firm báll, you máy need to ádd á little more flour 1 TBS át á time, but be cáreful, you wánt your dough á little tácky but not too sticky to hándle.
  6. Oil á lárge bowl, pláce the dough báll in the bowl, ánd cover with á dámp towel in á wárm pláce to let rise for one hour or until doubled in size.
  7. Preheát oven to 400 degrees F ánd bring the 4 quárts of wáter to á boil. When the wáter is boiling, slowly ádd the báking sodá (Be cáreful or you will háve á báking sodá/wáter explosion)!
  8. Full Instructions see joyfoodsunshine.com

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