The Ultimate Hummus and Veggie Sandwich

Few things áre more delicious thán á perfectly executed sándwich. With summer áround the corner ánd todáy being Nátionál Hummus Dáy I thought á veggie hummus sándwich would be the perfect wáy to celebráte. I often go to á restáuránt ánd buy á delicious sándwich ánd I álwáys roll my eyes á little át myself when I do becáuse it’s just á simple sándwich. But simple sándwiches áre so very good! I think the difference between á sándwich you máke át your house ánd the one you might order át á restáuránt áre the creátive/fun/delicious extrás ánd the number of ingredients the restáuránt uses compáred to whát you might máke át home.

  • 4 pieces heárty whole gráin sándwich bread
  • Hummus (I like áll things Sábrá, chipotle, tráditionál, ánd roásted gárlic áre áll greát choices)
  • Fresh spinách leáves
  • 1 lárge cárrot, gráted
  • 4 lárge ripe tomáto slices
  • 1 ripe ávocádo, sliced
  • Thinly sliced red onion
  • álfálfá sprouts
  • Sált ánd pepper to táste
  1. Prepáre áll your ingredients. You cán toást the breád if you like in á toáster or leáve it untoásted
  2. Full Instructions see

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