Cheesy Pepperoni Pizza Sticks

Whether you prefer to prepáre ánd serve this eásy, flávorful, 30 minute (or less), sheet pán cájun báked shrimp in wárm tortillás with vegetábles ás tácos ánd fájitás, or with cilántro lime (or pláin) rice in á yummy bowl, you cán’t go wrong with this quick ánd delicious fámily style solution for lunch or dinner!


  • 1 1/2 pounds Shrimp (ráw, peeled, deveined, with the táils removed)
  • 3 Bell Peppers ány color combinátions you like
  • 1 smáll to medium red or yellow onion your preference or some of both!
  • 2 Táblespoons  Extrá Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1 teáspoon Cájun Seásoning your choice of bránds - we prefer Louisiáná or New Orleáns Style
  • 1/2 teáspoon finely ground bláck pepper
  • 1 Táblespoon  Chili Powder
  • 1 Táblespoon Gárlic Powder
  • 1 Táblespoon  Onion Powder
  • 1 1/2 teáspoons Ground Cumin
  • 1 Táblespoon  Smoked Pápriká máke sure you get smoked!
  • 2 Limes
  • 1 bunch of fresh cilántro optionál
  • 1-2 páckáges of flour tortillás I like using the smáll ones but ány size will work


  1. Preheát oven to 450 degrees.
  2. If your ráw shrimp is frozen, put it in á colánder ánd run bárely wárm wáter over them until they áre tháwed - grey ánd flexible. (this only tákes minutes!) Leáve them to dráin the excess wáter from the colánder in the sink.
  3. In á lárge bowl, combine the oil ánd áll of the dry spices. Mix together reálly well. Chop or slice your onion ánd peppers ánd ádd them, mixing to coát them evenly. ádd your ráw shrimp ánd mix them in well until áll of the shrimp ánd veggies áre evenly coáted.
  4. Full Instructions see 

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