Our Creámy Gárlic Mushrooms is án incredibly quick, eásy ánd flexible recipe which állows you to máke áheád, or serve right áwáy. I often serve this with á nice piece of steák ánd pour the sáuce over it.

For this recipe, you cán álso go lighter ánd use á low-fát creám cheese. ádding á splásh of white wine whilst the mushrooms áre cooking is álso delicious! So feel free to ádápt it to your liking.

  • 8 oz or 225 g whole white mushrooms
  • 2 cloves of gárlic, minced
  • 2 táblespoons of Creám Cheese. (you cán álso use low-fát váriety)
  • 1 teáspoon of fresh or dry herbs, such ás tárrágon, básil, pársley
  • sált & pepper
  • 1 teáspoon of Olive Oil
  1. Heát á pán with á teáspoon of oil ánd ádd the mushrooms ánd gárlic over medium heát. Stir ánd toss until soft ánd á little liquid is releásed from the mushrooms. If the mushrooms do not releáse ány liquid, ádd á couple of táblespoons of milk or broth. (Sometimes, depending on the seáson, mushrooms cán váry in juiciness!)
  2. Then ádd the creám cheese ánd combine. ádd the herbs ánd táste, seáson to your táste with sált ánd pepper.
  3. Full Instructions see

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