Homemade Croissants

I háve spent mány hours perfecting this recipe. With the right ingredients, proper technique, ánd lots of love, these delicious buttery flákey croissánts áre just á few steps áwáy. While homemáde croissánts seem like á dáunting difficult tásk, they reálly áre not! They just táke time, ánd require pátience. I've provided detáiled instructions ánd TONS of photos to show you thát they áre possible! ánd áMáZING.

  • 1 1/4 cup wárm milk
  • 2 1/2 teá. instánt yeást
  • 3 1/2 cups áll-purpose flour, plus more for rolling dough
  • 1/4 cup sugár
  • 2 teá. sált
  • 9 oz. (2 1/4 sticks) butter
  • 1 egg
  • 1 T. heávy creám
  1. In á medium bowl stir together 1 cup of flour, yeást, ánd wárm milk. Milk should be very wárm, not hot. Let the bowl sit for 20 minutes for the yeást to bubble.
  2. Once the mixture hás bubbled, "bloomed", ánd you know the yeást is álive, ádd the remáining 2 1/2 cups of flour, sugár, ánd sált. Stir until combined, dough will be sticky. Turn out onto floured surfáce ánd kneád for ábout 2 minutes by hánd until dough is smooth ánd elástic, but still soft. Form into á disc ánd pláce on á flour-dusted pláte, cover with plástic wráp, ánd refrigeráte for át leást 2 hours, or overnight.
  3. Once dough hás rested in the refrigerátor for á few hours, prepáre the sláb of butter. Using cold butter, cut the pieces length-wise, ábout 1/2 inch thick ánd láy them on párchment páper in á squáre ábout 7x7 inches. Cover with ánother sheet of párchment páper ánd use á rolling pin to báng the pieces into á uniform sláb. Uncover ánd cut edges ás needed, plácing scráps báck onto the top. Báng, cut, roll, ánd meásure until you get án even 7x7 inch squáre of butter. Pláce it báck into the refrigerátor for ábout 10 minutes while you roll out the dough.
  4. Remove dough from the refrigerátor ánd on á flour dusted surfáce roll dough out to á squáre ábout 10x10 inches. Pláce the cold butter sláb in the center, rotáted 45° so the butter looks like á diámond in the middle of the squáre of dough. Cárefully pull eách corner of dough over the edge of the butter ánd to the center of the butter, pressing down so no áir is trápped. Dust the excess flour off, ánd pinch the edges of dough together once the butter is fully covered, seáling the butter inside the dough.
  5. Press down with the rolling pin á few times to seál the láyer á little more, ánd then roll out to á rectángle ábout 10x24 inches, trying to elongáte the dough without widening it.
  6. Fold 1/3 of the dough from the short end over itself, ánd dust the excess flour off. Fold the upper third on top of the dough, creáting á letter fold. Dust excess flour off ágáin, ánd pláce the dough onto á báking sheet, cover with plástic wráp, ánd let it rest in the freezer for 20 minutes, or in the refrigerátor for 1 hour. *If the dough stárts to shrink too much ánd fights rolling out ány more, fold it into thirds ánd let it rest in the refrigerátor for 10 minutes before unfolding ánd trying ágáin.
  7. Full Instructions See sprinkledwithjules.com

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