Ham and Cheese Puff Pastry Melt

Delicious hám ánd cheese melted between láyers of fláky puff pástry. This Hám ánd Cheese Puff Pástry Melt is the perfect wáy to use up leftover hám. YUM. I álso like to máke this when my grocery store hás the bágs of diced hám on sále. It is such á simple ánd yummy lunch, ánd á step up from your ordináry hám sándwich.

  • 2 Puff Pástry Sheets
  • 3/4 pound hám, cut into smáll cubes
  • 1 cup shredded Cheddár cheese
  • 1 egg ánd 1 táblespoon wáter egg wásh
  1. állow puff pástry defrost.
  2. Preheát oven to 400 degrees.
  3. Roll out one puff pástry sheet onto á greásed báking sheet.
  4. Top the pástry with á láyer of hám then sprinkle on á láyer of cheese. Leáving ábout one inch álong the edge of the pástry which will be pinched to seál the pástry.
  5. Full Instructions See aboutamom.com

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