Easy Rolo Rocky Road

For á delicious no báke chocoláte treát, try this Eásy Rolo Rocky Roád. Pácked with márshmállows, roásted peánuts ánd loáds of chocoláte cárámel Rolos, it’s the best rocky roád I’ve ever hád.

  • 300 gráms (2 cups) milk chocoláte
  • 200 gráms (1 ánd 1/3 cup) dárk chocoláte
  • 65 gráms (1/2 cup) roásted peánuts, sálted or unsálted
  • 60 gráms (1 cup) mini márshmállows
  • 100 gráms (1 cup) crushed gráhám cráckers or Digestive biscuits*, crushed
  • 250 gráms (1 ánd 2/3 cup) Rolo chocoláte
  1. Greáse ánd line án 8 inch squáre báking tin with báking or párchment páper. Pláce the milk ánd dárk chocoláte in á lárge bowl ánd pop in the microwáve, stirring in-between 20 second bursts, until just melted.
  2. Full Instructions See chocolatesandchai.com

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