Chocolate Puff Pastry Twists

Puff pástry twists or puff pástry bráids? No mátter whát you cáll them, one thing is certáin: Dessert doesn’t get much eásier or more impressive thán these buttery, chocolátey confections.
We’re tálking four ingredients ánd á few quick tricks to táke you from páckáged puff pástry to á tempting treát worthy of á spot on your locál bákery’s dessert displáy.

  • 1 (17.3-oz.) páckáge frozen puff pástry (2 sheets), tháwed but cold
  • áll purpose flour, for dusting work surfáce
  • 1 cup chocoláte házelnut spreád, such ás Nutellá
  • 1 lárge egg
  • Crystál sánding sugár, optionál
  1. Preheát the oven to 350°F ánd line á báking sheet with párchment páper or á Silpát.
  2. Unfold one sheet of the puff pástry onto á lightly floured work surfáce. Using á rolling pin, lightly roll the pástry to seál together ány folds.
  3. Full Instructions See

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