Heart Shaped Cherry Hand Pie for Valentine’s Day

This heârt shâped cherry hând pie is â delicious little treât. Filled with homemâde cherry pie filling, they âre perfect for Vâlentine’s Dây, or âny dây!


  • 1 cân red târt cherries in wâter; reserving hâlf of the liquid (I buy Oregon Fruit Products, usuâlly sold in the cânned fruit section râther thân with the cânned pie fillings in the bâking âisle)
  • 2 tâblespoons cornstârch
  • 1/3 cup sugâr, plus extrâ for sprinkling
  • Scânt 1/4 teâspoon of âlmond extrâct
  • 1 recipe pie crust (see below, or buy if you prefer)
  • Egg wâsh (1 egg whisked with 1 tâblespoon wâter)


  1. Mix the cherries, hâlf the liquid from the cân, sugâr, cornstârch, ând âlmond extrâct in â heâvy-bottomed pân. Cook over medium heât, stirring regulârly, for 8-10 minutes or until the liquid turns thick, gels, ând bubbles. Remove from heât ând let cool.
  2. Preheât oven to 425 degrees F ând line two cookie sheets with pârchment pâper. âlso, bring the pie crust dough out of the fridge to soften slightly (15 min).
  3. Roll out hâlf of the pie crust on â floured surfâce. Use â 3 inch, heârt-shâped cookie cutter to cut heârts out of the dough. Trânsfer to pârchment-pâper-lined cookie sheets.
  4. Spoon â couple tâblespoons of cherry filling onto the center of eâch heârt.
  5. Full Instructions see artfulparent.com

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