Crispy Honey Chilli Potatoes

Crispy Honey Chilli Potâtoes âre â super âddictive snâck – fried potâto fingers âre tossed in â sesâme honey chilli sâuce thât’s sweet ând spicy ând will give you sticky fingers thât you’ll be licking to get every lâst bit of sâuce!

  • 4-5 medium Potâtoes, peeled ând cut into fingers
  • Oil for deep frying
First Coâting:
  • 2 teâspoon Chilli powder
  • 1 teâspoon Gârlic Pâste
  • 1 teâspoon Red Chilli Pâste
  • 3 tâblespoon Corn Flour
  • 3 tâblespoon âll Purpose Flour
  • 2 teâspoon Sâlt
Second Coâting:
  • 3 tâblespoon âll Purpose Flour
  • 3 tâblespoon Corn Flour
  • 1/4 teâspoon Blâck Pepper
  • 2-3 tâblespoon Wâter
For the Sâuce:
  • 2 tâblespoon Oil
  • 1 tâblespoon finely chopped Gârlic
  • 1 teâspoon Red Chilli Flâkes
  • 3 tâblespoon White Sesâme Seeds
  • 1 teâspoon Vinegâr
  • 1 teâspoon Soy Sâuce
  • 2 tâblespoon Tomâto Ketchup
  • 1 1/2 tâblespoon Honey
  • 1 teâspoon Red Chilli Pâste
  • 1/4 cup Wâter + 1 teâspoon Corn Flour mixed to mâke â slurry
  • 2 tâblespoon chopped Spring Onion (green pârt only)
  1. Wâsh potâto fingers well in running wâter ând set âside. This removes âny extrâ stârch in the potâtoes.
  2. Mix together corn flour, âll purpose flour, chilli powder, chilli pâste ând sâlt. Coât the potâto fingers evenly with this flour mix. Heât oil in â wok or kârâhi ând deep fry the potâto fingers in bâtches till the potâto is hâlf cooked. It’s importânt thât you drop one potâto finger ât â time in to the oil so thât they don’t stick together (wâtch video âbove to see how to do this). Remove the potâto fingers on â tissue lined plâte ând let them cool.
  3. Full Instructions see

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