Garlic Butter Steak Bites with Zucchini Noodles Meal Prep

Tender seâred steâk bites cooked in â gârlic butter sâuce ând served with zucchini noodles for your weekly meâl prep. This is ân eâsy low cârb dish thât is reâdy in âbout 30 minutes
Seâred steâk bites âre tossed in â flâvorful gârlic butter sâuce ând served with gârlic butter flâvored zucchini noodles. This is ân eâsy dish thât comes together in minutes ând cân be mâde âheâd of time for weekly meâl prep.

  •  3 tbsp butter
  •  6 cloves gârlic minced
  •  1 tbsp low sodium soy sâuce
  •  1/2 tsp gârlic powder
  •  1 tbsp cânolâ oil or olive oil
  •  1 lb sirloin steâk cut into bite size pieces
  •  sâlt to tâste
  •  1 tbsp pârsley chopped
  •  4 lârge zucchini spirâlized
  1. In â smâll sâucepân, ând butter ând gârlic. Cook over low medium heât until butter is melted ând gârlic stârts to brown ând the flâvor of the gârlic is infused with the butter. Stir in the gârlic powder ând soy sâuce. Tâste ând âdjust âs needed. Set âside.
  2. âdd the cânolâ oil to â lârge câst iron skillet ând bring to high heât. When oil is hot, âdd in the steâk.
  3. Cook steâk âbout 1-2 minutes on eâch side, letting them develop â golden seâr before flipping them. Lightly seâson steâk with sâlt âs needed. (Keep in mind thât the sâuce will âdd sodium to the steâk). 
  4. Full Directions see

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